Advisory Board2024-04-12T13:53:39-04:00

Advisory Board

The CCHS Advisory Board exists to counsel and support the designated pastor and the principal with regard to the operation of the school, as well as the advancement of the mission. This board consists of parish priests, alumni and friends of CCHS.

Advisory Board

President, Tom Burgoyne

Pat Felton
Kayleen Fitzsimmons
William Buchanan
Kathleen Dieffenbaugher
Pamela Hartman
William Holt
Jim McGlumphy
Gary Sacco
Renee Schneid
Cheryl Wilson
Michael Young
Fr. Arul Anthony
Fr. Joseph Augustine
Msgr. Paul Hudock
Fr. Carlos Melocoton
Fr. Paul M.
Msgr. Joseph Peterson
Fr. Martin Smay


Principal, Mrs. Rebecca Sancomb



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